Thursday 9 December 2010

Audience research

We felt the best way to find our target audience was to construct a questionnaire as we did at A.S. This is because it is a quick and accessible way to find out relevant information and then this information can be easily summarised for us to find out the results. These results from 15 people will then help us to create our teaser trailer, magazine front cover and film poster.

 Age was an important question for us to ask as we wanted to know the age range we should be targeting with romantic comedies and if romantic comedies were more appealing to a particular age range or across the board. As you can see the majority of the people we asked were aged between 16 and 24.

Finding out how often people went to the cinema was also another important question as we want to find out the possibility of our film/teaser trailer being seen at the cinema. Also we wanted to find out what these regular cinema goers watch at the cinema and what they expect from posters, trailers and film magazines.
The social network question was important for us to ask as it allowed us to find out the best place to advertise our film. From this we found Facebook and YouTube were the most popular of these sites so if we were to advertise to the target audience of 16-24 these would be the best places to do so.
Very often there is a link between the film genre's people prefer to watch and their favourite music genre. We found that pop was the most popular music genre amongst our sample and pop is most commonly linked with romantic-comedies or comedies in general.
From this question we found that people tend to look for the image when initially looking at film posters. This means it is important that we take this into account and make our image stand out to entice our audience.
Finding out if people see films they wish to see is useful to us as if they tend to see a certain genre over another it could not be their personal choice but someone else's. From these results it is obvious that the people questioned do see films they want to therefore we can take these results as quite reliable.
We asked this question to see if there was a trend in the age range we picked. We found that friend and partner were the most popular choices. This does typically reflect the age range we were hoping to target.
In this question we asked the participants to rank their favourite film genres from 1 to 5. Rom-com come out as number one which means that this is a popular choice for this age range and a good genre to make our film.
As we were undecided as to whether or not to put actors or actresses names in our work we found out whether this would appeal to our audience. As it does we have decided to do so.
Although we have to produce all 3 of these advertising formats we thought it would be useful to see which is most regarding by our target audience to ensure we get the genre of our film across completely in this format.
After looking at our results we are able to gain some ideas as to what to include in our products to make them accessible and appealing to our target audience. However as we handed them out to the majority of the age range we wished to be our target audience these results could be a little bit biased but they have helped us to get specific information that needs to be included in our products.

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