This film poster is very typical of the romantic comedy genre. The use of the colours pink and purple appeals to the main target audience of women and with these colours on a white background it makes them stand out to attract the target audience. The pink and purple colour scheme is carried through to what the stars of the film are wearing to ensure continuity all of these features are used to attract their target audience of 25+ year old women.
Unusually the name of the film is at the top of the poster along with the billing block. These typical features are usually at the bottom of the poster so here the conventions have been broken. However the cast names are at the top to catch the attention of the audience.

The film poster for romantic comedy "Never been kissed" is similar to the Bridget Jones poster as it uses the same colour scheme of pink and purple to attract a female audience. They have also kept the main character in these colours to keep the continuity much like in the Bridget Jones poster. Although this poster is similar to the Bridget Jones poster it is clear that this poster is trying to attract a much younger target audience as the actress is younger and is posed in such a way that attracts 16-24 year old girls rather than a 25+ female audience
Unlike the Bridget Jones poster the film name and billing block are at the bottom of the most therefore sticking with the normal conventions. However the cast names are not horizontally along the top as they normally are in film posters.
Made of Honor stays with the typical conventions by having the main male and female character on the poster, this automatically suggests that they are romantically involved or are going to be romantically involved.
There isn't a large billing block on this film poster and the the name of the film is at the top of the poster unlike most film posters. Also the well-known actor's name is at the top, although this is typical it is unusual for there only to be one well-known actor as usually both the male and female characters are played by popular celebrities.
As in "Made of Honour" both the main characters are on the film poster suggesting romantic involvement. The film poster is very simple with a white background and green writing to stand out.
This film poster is very typical of the romantic comedy genre with the two main characters being played by well-known Hollywood stars who's names appear at the top of the poster. Both the billing block and film name appear at the bottom as they do in most film posters.
This film poster is very different from many film posters. It is a very simple poster with the typical white background with black writing very cleverly in the shape of a wedding dress implying what the film is going to be about. The name of the film is in bright pink to stand out and attract a young female target audience. There is no celebrity names that stand out to the audience to make them want to see the film because of the stars that are in it.
This film poster is similar to the Bridget Jones poster as it has the three characters on it suggesting that their is some sort of love triangle between the three of them. Unlike Bridget Jones the female character is not between the two male characters which suggests that she is not interested between both the male characters. Again the cast are dressed to match the colour scheme of orange that is on the poster.
The casts names again, at the top as it is a typical convention. Although the film name is quite high up compared to most film posters the billing block is still at the bottom sticking to the typical film poster conventions.
500 days of Summer is challenges many of the stereotypical conventions of film posters, by doing so this suggests to the target audience that the film is going to challenge the typical conventions of a romantic comedy. It could also suggest that the film is trying to attract a new young audience.
It is unusual for film posters to have more than one image on them as many images do not always convey to the audience what the film is about. Also the casts names are at the bottom of the poster compared to the top and the name of the film is in the middle of the poster compared to the bottom. However the billing block is still at the bottom as the audience would expect.
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