Friday 18 February 2011

Improved storyline

After looking at the idea of our story we decided that it was a bit typical. So, we decided to change it slightly. We wanted to make our story more interesting and dynamic so we decided to make our male protagonist black. This altered the storyline as we also made it a conflict between the main girls parents as they don't agree with it.
This will make our story more diverse and breaks away from the most typical convention. We think this will work as there isn't many films that produce this kind of story so it will make our film unique and exciting.

Wednesday 9 February 2011

The concept behind our promotional package

The concept behind our promotional package is basically our tag line and our film name "love makes the imperfect perfect" and "Imperfect Mr Perfect these have helped us in a variety ways to come up with ideas such as: the narrative of our story, the images on the poster and magazine the colour scheme, the release date, characters clothing and fonts for all three promotional items.

The narrative for our story came after we had decided on a film name and tag line and these made it easier for us to think about what we wanted to portray and how it was best to do so. Although we have changed our narrative a couple of times as we have felt that it wasn't working.

The image on the poster was an idea we had right from the beginning and have stuck with as we felt it best fits our film name and what we are trying to suggest to the audience. The poster image changed slightly as after getting audience feedback they felt the image was too posed so we decided to change this. After researching film magazines we found that it is usually only one character on the front page so after looking at our narrative and deciding what we wanted to suggest we decided it was best for our female character to be on the front of the magazine.

Our film name and tag line have also helped us with the colour scheme as it was clear from both of these things that our film was of the ROM-COM genre which meant we were able to research into colours generally used within the ROM-COM theme. We found that this was generally bright colours and made the decision of having pink and orange as our colour scheme in the very early stages of production.

After deciding our film was a ROM-COM we researched the general release date for these films and found it was more of a spring/summer genre and we therefore decided to release our film in the Summer of 2011.

Character clothing was important especially on the poster and magazine as we wanted to keep the theme of fun, romantic and young running through all of our work. Therefore we came to the conclusion that on the poster image they should wear white and pink and on the magazine just white to stand out from the background. This also kept in line with our colour scheme.

The fonts for each product was a difficult thing to decide on. We knew that we wanted romantic, swirly writing for the tag line but felt that this would not be a good idea with the film name or release date as it could become unreadable and not sell our products.

All of these link our products together and help us promote "Imperfect Mr Perfect", the tag line "love makes the imperfect perfect" is our main theme and what we are trying to convey through our products which is why we have it on both the film poster and the teaser trailer so people remember it and want to go and watch the film or read the magazine.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Magazine Front Cover 2nd draft

This is the changed version of our initial magazine front cover, we made many of the improvements suggested to us from our audience feedback such as:
  • The image- we now have our main girl character in a much more natural pose to appeal to our target audience and suggest the ROM-COM genre.
  • The colour scheme- we changed our colour scheme from red to pink and white to suggest the ROM-COM genre.
  • The layout- now we have the typical "U" shape layout adopted by many magazine as it allows us to get a lot more information and cover lines on our magazine and makes it look fuller than before.
  • The background- we now have a natural background that fits the ROM-COM genre and suggests this to the target audience. Originally we had a plain white background that lacked character and made our magazine look posed like a fashion magazine which is what we didn't want.
Although we have made all of these changes there are still a few improvements to be made so that our magazine is up to the standard we want it, these are:
  • Taking off the underline on cover lines as we realised after looking at existing magazines that this is not conventional.
  • We also need to move the bar code as it is slightly slanted and leaves a gap between the edge of the magazine cover.
  • We also need to adjust the "all you need to know about film" to the right hand side as this also looks slanted and unprofessional.
Once we have made these slight changes our magazine front cover will be completed giving us ample time to concentrate on filming and editing our teaser trailer as well as getting the image for our film poster.

Magazine Cover- 1st draft

This is our first magazine front cover draft, we decided to use an image of our main female character as the feature within the magazine is going to be an interview with her discussing the film. However we are not going to use this particular image as after we got feedback from our peers they felt that the image was too posed and would work better if the girl was in character for the picture. Another suggestion that came from peer feedback was the idea of having an actual background rather than just a plain white background as this is typical of many film magazines.

After researching film magazines we noticed that there was a range of fonts used so we decided to mirror this in our own magazine cover. Although we felt with this particular layout we couldn't get enough cover lines on our magazine and felt it looked empty so decided we would change it to the typical "U" shape layout seen on many magazines with the image placed more in a more central position.

We originally decided on red as a colour scheme so it corresponded with the colour of the masthead, this is something we wish to change as this colour doesn't suggest the ROM-COM genre of our film, thus we changed our colour scheme to pink and white. With this change came the decision to use our own magazine name (Film Today) rather than "Total Film" which already exists.

We have decided to keep the "PLUS" circle as it is commonly seen on film magazines and breaks up the constant text from cover lines. Also, we have decided to keep the "free Harry Potter film posters inside" as this a device conventionally used to catch the target audience's attention. The reason we chose "Harry Potter" film posters is because it is a film that is popular with our target audience.

We are now in the process of making these changes to our magazine front cover to get it to a higher standard and make it look as if it could be an actual film magazine.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Storyboard Animatics

-Our finished storyboard is what we want our teaser trailer to end up as. Our first scene is of the institution that is producing and distributing our film as we found that it is a common theme within teaser trailers. We then have quick cut scenes of a number of imperfect guys with a voice over saying "when you can't find Mr Perfect, you have to settle for less". Here, as well as the voice over we are going to have music on low in the background. Then there is a close up of our female character who looks straight down the camera and says "NO". We then see a short clip of our female character talking to her best friend on the phone explaining what she wants in a boyfriend. It then cuts to a range of shots accompanied by music to insinuate to the audience that our female character falls in love with an unconventional Mr Perfect. On our penultimate shot is of the film name with the tag line "love makes the imperfect, perfect" and our last shot states that the film is coming soon with the films website on for the target audience's future reference.

-When we filmed our storyboard we had to ensure that we were in a quiet room as we didn't want any noise in the background. Also a steady camera helps to make our storyboard look effective.

-The location we have chosen to film our teaser trailer in is at school this is suitable for our target audience as we plan to aim it at a young audience who are still in education. Although we may film the shots of the guys outside of school so we have a variety of locations and shots.