Tuesday 8 February 2011

Magazine Front Cover 2nd draft

This is the changed version of our initial magazine front cover, we made many of the improvements suggested to us from our audience feedback such as:
  • The image- we now have our main girl character in a much more natural pose to appeal to our target audience and suggest the ROM-COM genre.
  • The colour scheme- we changed our colour scheme from red to pink and white to suggest the ROM-COM genre.
  • The layout- now we have the typical "U" shape layout adopted by many magazine as it allows us to get a lot more information and cover lines on our magazine and makes it look fuller than before.
  • The background- we now have a natural background that fits the ROM-COM genre and suggests this to the target audience. Originally we had a plain white background that lacked character and made our magazine look posed like a fashion magazine which is what we didn't want.
Although we have made all of these changes there are still a few improvements to be made so that our magazine is up to the standard we want it, these are:
  • Taking off the underline on cover lines as we realised after looking at existing magazines that this is not conventional.
  • We also need to move the bar code as it is slightly slanted and leaves a gap between the edge of the magazine cover.
  • We also need to adjust the "all you need to know about film" to the right hand side as this also looks slanted and unprofessional.
Once we have made these slight changes our magazine front cover will be completed giving us ample time to concentrate on filming and editing our teaser trailer as well as getting the image for our film poster.

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