Wednesday 9 February 2011

The concept behind our promotional package

The concept behind our promotional package is basically our tag line and our film name "love makes the imperfect perfect" and "Imperfect Mr Perfect these have helped us in a variety ways to come up with ideas such as: the narrative of our story, the images on the poster and magazine the colour scheme, the release date, characters clothing and fonts for all three promotional items.

The narrative for our story came after we had decided on a film name and tag line and these made it easier for us to think about what we wanted to portray and how it was best to do so. Although we have changed our narrative a couple of times as we have felt that it wasn't working.

The image on the poster was an idea we had right from the beginning and have stuck with as we felt it best fits our film name and what we are trying to suggest to the audience. The poster image changed slightly as after getting audience feedback they felt the image was too posed so we decided to change this. After researching film magazines we found that it is usually only one character on the front page so after looking at our narrative and deciding what we wanted to suggest we decided it was best for our female character to be on the front of the magazine.

Our film name and tag line have also helped us with the colour scheme as it was clear from both of these things that our film was of the ROM-COM genre which meant we were able to research into colours generally used within the ROM-COM theme. We found that this was generally bright colours and made the decision of having pink and orange as our colour scheme in the very early stages of production.

After deciding our film was a ROM-COM we researched the general release date for these films and found it was more of a spring/summer genre and we therefore decided to release our film in the Summer of 2011.

Character clothing was important especially on the poster and magazine as we wanted to keep the theme of fun, romantic and young running through all of our work. Therefore we came to the conclusion that on the poster image they should wear white and pink and on the magazine just white to stand out from the background. This also kept in line with our colour scheme.

The fonts for each product was a difficult thing to decide on. We knew that we wanted romantic, swirly writing for the tag line but felt that this would not be a good idea with the film name or release date as it could become unreadable and not sell our products.

All of these link our products together and help us promote "Imperfect Mr Perfect", the tag line "love makes the imperfect perfect" is our main theme and what we are trying to convey through our products which is why we have it on both the film poster and the teaser trailer so people remember it and want to go and watch the film or read the magazine.

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