Tuesday 8 February 2011

Magazine Cover- 1st draft

This is our first magazine front cover draft, we decided to use an image of our main female character as the feature within the magazine is going to be an interview with her discussing the film. However we are not going to use this particular image as after we got feedback from our peers they felt that the image was too posed and would work better if the girl was in character for the picture. Another suggestion that came from peer feedback was the idea of having an actual background rather than just a plain white background as this is typical of many film magazines.

After researching film magazines we noticed that there was a range of fonts used so we decided to mirror this in our own magazine cover. Although we felt with this particular layout we couldn't get enough cover lines on our magazine and felt it looked empty so decided we would change it to the typical "U" shape layout seen on many magazines with the image placed more in a more central position.

We originally decided on red as a colour scheme so it corresponded with the colour of the masthead, this is something we wish to change as this colour doesn't suggest the ROM-COM genre of our film, thus we changed our colour scheme to pink and white. With this change came the decision to use our own magazine name (Film Today) rather than "Total Film" which already exists.

We have decided to keep the "PLUS" circle as it is commonly seen on film magazines and breaks up the constant text from cover lines. Also, we have decided to keep the "free Harry Potter film posters inside" as this a device conventionally used to catch the target audience's attention. The reason we chose "Harry Potter" film posters is because it is a film that is popular with our target audience.

We are now in the process of making these changes to our magazine front cover to get it to a higher standard and make it look as if it could be an actual film magazine.

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