Thursday 3 February 2011

Storyboard Animatics

-Our finished storyboard is what we want our teaser trailer to end up as. Our first scene is of the institution that is producing and distributing our film as we found that it is a common theme within teaser trailers. We then have quick cut scenes of a number of imperfect guys with a voice over saying "when you can't find Mr Perfect, you have to settle for less". Here, as well as the voice over we are going to have music on low in the background. Then there is a close up of our female character who looks straight down the camera and says "NO". We then see a short clip of our female character talking to her best friend on the phone explaining what she wants in a boyfriend. It then cuts to a range of shots accompanied by music to insinuate to the audience that our female character falls in love with an unconventional Mr Perfect. On our penultimate shot is of the film name with the tag line "love makes the imperfect, perfect" and our last shot states that the film is coming soon with the films website on for the target audience's future reference.

-When we filmed our storyboard we had to ensure that we were in a quiet room as we didn't want any noise in the background. Also a steady camera helps to make our storyboard look effective.

-The location we have chosen to film our teaser trailer in is at school this is suitable for our target audience as we plan to aim it at a young audience who are still in education. Although we may film the shots of the guys outside of school so we have a variety of locations and shots.

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