Wednesday 9 March 2011


During the editing process we have encountered a few problems but none that we haven’t been able to resolve. Once we had uploaded our film to Pinnacle we realised that some had been filmed in HD and others hadn’t which meant that there was two black strips either side of the shot on the scenes which hadn’t been filmed in HD. To resolve this we just had to change the settings on Pinnacle by right clicking and selecting fit to screen, this removed the black strips and all of the shots then looked the same.
We also cut out a whole scene we had filmed of our main female character and her friend as we felt that the dialogue included in that shot was unconventional of teaser trailers and that it didn’t fit with the rest of our teaser trailer.
The colour of the fonts on our teaser trailer also caused us some problems as we didn’t know whether to use to separate colours of pink and orange for the fonts or whether to use one block colour so it didn’t look confusing to our audience. After changing it in a variety of ways to see which is best we decided to use two colours as it links to our magazine front cover and film poster.
After we had finished the majority of our editing we watched our teaser trailer through and found that some of the shots were off centre. Rather than just re-filming we adjusted the shots on Pinnacle by zooming in a little bit closer and moving them to ensure they were on centre.
We had to change the image on our magazine front cover as after audience feedback they felt it was too posed for a magazine front cover. As it was our lead female character we had on the front of the magazine we decided to make her look more in character and add a background to imply the idea of fun and youth which is typical for a romantic comedy.
On our film poster we have used an image of our two lead characters on a bench. During the editing process we noticed that on one side the edge of the bench had been slightly cut off and we were unable to get it back. To resolve this we cropped the picture so the other side of the bench was slightly cut off so that the image then looked symmetrical.
Although we have experienced a few problems we were much more at ease with Pinnacle compared to AS at experienced fewer problems with the program this year. However we experienced editing problems regarding images and fonts on our magazine front cover and film poster as this was new to us.

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