Saturday 12 March 2011

Media Theories

Generally the media base their narratives around contemporary world issues. For example when war is prominent in the news many films about war come out in the cinema e.g The Hurt Locker and Dear John. This also links with our post modern society. Post modern society revolves highly around a "must have" consumerist concept, this is the idea that we want everything and we want it as quickly as possible and this idea is commonly reflected in many romantic comedies such as "Confessions of a Shopaholic" where the protagonist spends and spends her money and this stops her achieving what she wants in life.

Feminism is most definitely a theory that can be linked to our film as our main character is female and she doesn't want to settle for any less than perfect. However she does want a relationship and marriage that are typically seen as traditional values in today's society. Therefore our narrative and teaser trailer probably link more the liberal feminist ideology compared to the radical feminists.
The message we tried to portray in our film was that everyones idea of "perfection" is different and what you think may be perfect for you could be wrong, this is also known as the hypodermic syringe theory where by messages are immediately are passed to the audience through various media forms. As we based much of our narrative around our tag line "love makes the imperfect perfect" it was easy to try and suggest this idea of different people have different perceptions of perfection to our audience. To see whether we had successfully passed this message to our audience we asked them complete a questionnaire after seeing our products which asked a range of questions which when answered would help us to see if what we had actually intended to portray had been successfully taken in by our target audience.

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