Monday 7 March 2011

Final film poster

This is our final film poster. It doesn't differ greatly from our initial film poster idea but we did make a few changes. We decided to move the title underneath the image rather than having it on the bench next to our stars as it would have looked squashed and not easily readable. Also we felt it would stand out and grab the audience's attention more if it was on its own underneath the image. 

We kept with our colour scheme of orange and pink so that people can easily link all three of our items together and because these are typical colours for a ROM-COM. Another typical ROM-COM poster convention is the white background and we decided to keep this to make our writing and image stand out.We also made the conscious decision to have both our stars wearing pink and white so that the poster fitted together well and nothing clashed. For our image we decided to have them sitting on the bench looking at each other to suggest the ROM-COM genre and imply a little bit about our narrative.

After looking at our billing block font we decided to change this slightly from the original as beforehand it was very clear and a dominant part of our poster and after looking into this a bit more we found that generally billing blocks were almost unreadable. Therefore we changed the font to a slimmer and smaller font to fit in better. We also re sized our production company images as we felt they were too over powering on the poster.

Overall there is not a huge amount of writing on the poster and we decided this is best as in our audience research we found that our target audience of 16-24 year olds initially look for the image, stars names and date of release.

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