Tuesday 15 March 2011

Use of new media technology in the research and planning stages

Media technology is advancing at a rapid rate and it is important that we keep up to date with these products to make our promotional package look as contemporary as possible. Also the more contemporary it looks the more appealing it becomes to our target audience of 16-24 year olds as they are the dominant users of these advancing technologies.During the research and planning stages we have used a range of new media technology including:

  • Edirol- We used this to record the voice over for our film. We found this useful as it is small and portable so we were able to use it wherever we wished. Our only problem was that to listen to our recording back we needed headphones or someone where we could plug in a USB cable meaning we had to record many times to ensure we got our voice over how we wanted it.
  • Laptop- Used to edit teaser trailer and create film poster and magazine. The laptop was easy for us to edit on and like the edirol it was portable so we were able to work in our own time on our editing.
  • Video camera- Used to film our teaser trailer. As we had used these video cameras for our AS work we were familiar with how they worked which made the process easier for us.
  • Flip camera- Used this to film our storyboard animatics as it is easier to steadily hold these to film a smaller space. As the flip camera has the USB attached to it we were able to take videos very quickly and then upload them quickly too.
  • Still camera- Used to take pictures for our film poster and magazine as well as some shots from filming to show our progress.
  • Pinnacle Studios- Used to edit our teaser trailer. As we used Pinnacle to edit our AS coursework we were quite familiar with the program. However this year we took more time to explore the range of editing tools that were available to us and were able to use them to better effect.
  • Photoshop- Used to edit our images for our film poster and magazine. We found photoshop was the best software to edit our pictures and it was a software that as a group we were quite familiar with so were able to get the best results.
  • Excel- Used to create a questionnaire and then graphs about audience research to help us understand what our target audience want.
  • YouTube- Used as research for our teaser trailers. YouTube is a quick way to find videos and teaser trailers to help us with our research and understanding of what goes into a teaser trailer. 
  • Facebook- Used to get audience feedback on our teaser trailer. We decided to use Facebook as a way to get audience feedback as we felt it was an easy way to access our target audience. It was also a very quick way to get feedback on our teaser trailer.

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