Friday 18 March 2011

Skills developed from AS to A2

From AS to A2 we have a acquired many skills and used a variety of new technologies and techniques to help us make our final products. At the beginning of our film we have close ups of supposedly "imperfect" guys. Last year I feel we may have used a mid-shot rather than a close up as this would have been easier to centralise the actors however at A2 we felt more comfortable to do this and understood that if the actors were off centre in the shot we would be able to fix this by editing rather than re-filming.

Also we were very conscious of continuity this year. Although last year we acknowledged continuity and its importance there were still parts of our work where there were slight continuity errors for example, where we had filmed on different days the lighting was slightly different in some scenes. Knowing this made us more conscious of it this year and we made sure that our actor and actress had a variety of clothes and different styles in each shot to show that it was different day. Also we tried to get as much filming done in one day so that the lighting or weather wasn't a problem.

At A2 we have played around a lot with the writing fonts for our teaser trailer, magazine and poster. At AS we were set on a font for our film opening and never really looked around to see if a different one would have worked better. Therefore this year we researched this in more detail and looked at what was typical for a Rom-Com and what would appeal most to our target audience before deciding on a definite font for our products.  

Our familiarity with the editing software Pinnacle also helped us a lot this year. At AS a small problem with the filming could sometimes cause us big problems when we were trying to edit and make our product the best it could be. However this year we found that we could resolve small filming issues on our own and quickly as we had learnt them from AS. Subsequently at AS when we found something wrong with our filming we were very quick to just go and re-film to try and resolve the problem rather than try and work with it on Pinnacle and see if we could resolve it through the editing devices available to us. Whereas this year we were more confident in exploring the software and trying to find solutions to our filming problems that way. Also by exploring the program we were able to find devices that would improve our film and give it variety.

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